Imperial Avenue Bikeway: A Vital Investment for Southeast San Diego
The Imperial Avenue Bikeway Project is a transformational investment in Southeast San Diego, designed to improve safety, mobility, and business access for everyone—not just those who drive. Yet, as with many bike lane projects, there has been pushback from some business owners who worry about the removal of the center turn lane and minor parking adjustments.
The reality is, Complete Streets benefit residents and businesses. Let’s break down why the Imperial Avenue Bikeway is a critical step forward for San Diego and why concerns about business impacts are largely misplaced.
Imperial Avenue Bikeway will create a safe, connected route from 17th to 47th Street, linking downtown San Diego with Southeast communities. Check SANDAG for project status.
Bike Lanes Bring More Customers, Not Fewer
Some business owners fear that reducing parking or changing street configurations will harm their sales. However, real-world data from cities across the U.S. consistently shows that bike lanes attract more customers, not fewer.
Look no further than 30th Street in North Park, where a similar redesign has revitalized the corridor. Once lined with vacant storefronts, the area is now booming with restaurants, shops, and an inviting, walkable atmosphere. Imperial Avenue has the same opportunity for transformation—safer streets lead to thriving businesses.
Bike lanes move more people per hour than car lanes, meaning a steady stream of potential customers passing storefronts.
Bike parking is significantly more accessible than car parking—10 bikes can fit in the space of a single car, bringing more foot traffic to local businesses.
People who bike or walk past businesses are far more likely to stop and shop than those speeding by in a car.
Equity: Serving Underserved Communities with More Transportation Options
The Latino and Chaldean communities that make up much of the Imperial Avenue corridor stand to benefit the most from improved biking and walking infrastructure. A safe and connected bike network provides an alternative to car dependency, which is often a financial burden for working-class families.
Owning a car costs over $1,000/month when factoring in loan payments, insurance, fuel, maintenance, and parking.
By creating a bike-friendly corridor, we provide a low-cost, reliable transportation option for people who need it most.
More choices mean greater independence for families, giving them the ability to save money and commute safely without relying on expensive car ownership.
Southeastern San Diego has historically been underserved in infrastructure investment, often neglected compared to wealthier parts of the city. The Imperial Avenue Bikeway is a long-overdue step toward equitable transportation access.
Safety for Everyone: Slower Speeds Save Lives
Some opponents claim the bike lanes are unnecessary, but the truth is that streets should serve everyone, not just drivers. Currently, Imperial Avenue is designed for cars first, people second, making it unsafe for cyclists and pedestrians.
The biggest factor in road safety is speed—a person hit by a car going 40 mph has a 90% chance of dying, while at 20 mph, survival jumps to 95%.
The planned redesign will slow traffic to safer speeds, giving drivers more reaction time and making it easier for all road users to coexist without conflict.
Raised crosswalks and better visibility will make it safer for pedestrians to cross the street, reducing the risk of crashes.
San Diego has committed to Vision Zero, a goal of eliminating traffic deaths. A safe, protected bikeway on Imperial Avenue is an essential piece of this puzzle, ensuring that we don’t continue losing lives to preventable car crashes.
Speed matters! 🚗💨 When drivers go fast, their vision narrows, missing people on sidewalks and crosswalks. Slower speeds mean greater awareness, safer streets, and fewer crashes. Source
Complete Streets Help Traffic Flow
A common myth is that bike lanes create congestion, but well-designed infrastructure actually improves traffic flow.
Removing the center turn lane on Imperial Avenue is a major safety upgrade for pedestrians and cyclists, as it reduces speeding and eliminates unnecessary conflict points between turning and through-traffic vehicles. Better-designed intersections and safer crosswalks will facilitate better traffic flow.
Lower speeds reduce sudden braking and erratic lane changes, making merging and turns easier for cars. This reduces driver frustration and helps prevent minor collisions.
A glimpse into the future: This Dutch intersection shows how bikes, transit, and cars can seamlessly coexist—safe, efficient, and stress-free. Let’s bring this level of smart design to our streets!
A Safer, More Connected Future for Imperial Avenue
The Imperial Avenue Bikeway is more than just a bike lane—it’s a commitment to making Southeast San Diego safer, more livable, and more economically vibrant.
Businesses will see more customers as more people walk and bike.
Families will have more transportation choices and save money.
Streets will be safer for everyone, with calmer traffic and better pedestrian infrastructure.
Change is always challenging, but this project is a long-term investment in the future of Imperial Avenue. Just as 30th Street transformed North Park into a thriving, walkable corridor, Imperial Avenue has the potential to become a model for a more people-friendly city.