Imperial Avenue Bikeway: A Vital Investment for Southeast San Diego
Advocacy, SANDAG Jason Vance Advocacy, SANDAG Jason Vance

Imperial Avenue Bikeway: A Vital Investment for Southeast San Diego

The Imperial Avenue Bikeway Project is a transformational investment for Southeast San Diego, creating safer, more accessible streets for everyone—not just drivers. Despite concerns, bike lanes attract more customers, reduce traffic speeds, and provide affordable transportation options for underserved communities. Similar projects have revitalized neighborhoods like 30th Street in North Park, and Imperial Avenue has the same opportunity to thrive. Learn how this project supports businesses, improves safety, and enhances mobility for all!

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20 Is Plenty: A Vision for Safer, More Livable Streets in San Diego
Advocacy Jason Vance Advocacy Jason Vance

20 Is Plenty: A Vision for Safer, More Livable Streets in San Diego

San Diego should adopt 20 mph zones to create safer, more livable streets. Lower speeds improve driver reaction times, shorten stopping distances, and reduce crash severity. A “Twenty is Plenty” campaign, combined with traffic-calming infrastructure, could transform residential neighborhoods into community spaces where walking, biking, and playing are safe for everyone.

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